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JB 2
Assistant Pastor of Worship

Since 2018

Who I am:

I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart! I am honored to be the Worship Coordinator at Bridgeway. I love reading, studying, teaching, meditating on and memorizing the Word of God, and spending time alone with God. I enjoy all types of music, and I want to lead people in every sphere of my life to enjoying and delighting in God. I am a worship leader, trained musician, and music teacher. I love using music to spread a passion for Christ, the Bible, and the church - all for the glory of God and the fame of His name! I lead a community group and enjoy making disciples of all ages and encouraging people in their faith.


What I do:

As the Worship Coordinator, I love getting to lead teams and plan events to re-orient ourselves around the true purpose that we were created for - namely, to glorify God by delighting in Him and enjoying Him. I love hearing God's people lift their voices together in the same melody and words in praise to God. It is such a beautiful display of unity when many different voices from various backgrounds praise him in a variety of ways - enjoying him and expressing their heartfelt reverence and delight in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!

What God did:

I was once lost, depressed, and addicted to many things. I felt hopeless and like my life was going nowhere good. Then one night at a college party, of all places, I felt God speaking to me in my mind, and he led me away from a lifestyle of sin and addiction. It was not a process that happened overnight, but he led me to Bridgeway. Through the love and support of God's church, and because of the redeeming love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit working through His inspired Word, he brought me out into the light to a place of joy, freedom, grace, and acceptance, filling my life with meaning, purpose, and direction. I am sold out for Jesus!! I want to lay my life down for Him more and more each day as He shows me how to walk with him and please him with my life. I love Him and want to follow Him all the days of my life.