The following statements are a summary of our full Statement of Faith (PDF)—the declaration of beliefs that will be honored by anyone who teaches at Bridgeway. (Please see the full Statement of Faith linked above for more information.)
These beliefs are not a requirement for people to attend Bridgeway. We welcome and embrace all who seek spiritual truth. We do require anyone who wishes to become a covenant member to affirm our shorter Statement of Faith for Covenant Membership (PDF)—a list of beliefs that we believe are essential for every Christian.
We believe in the Bible
We believe that God has perfectly revealed who he is and what he commands in the Bible.
We believe in the Trinity
We believe that God is a complex unity. There is only one true God, but he exists eternally as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in Jesus
We believe that Jesus is fully God and fully man. Through his life, death, and resurrection, he did all that was necessary to make salvation possible.
We believe in the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is fully God. Through his ministry, he points us to Jesus and empowers our lives.
We believe in the gospel
The gospel is the good news that God saves sinners through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
We believe in spiritual gifts
We believe that the Holy Spirit continues to give Jesus' followers all spiritual gifts to encourage believers and save those who do not yet believe.
We believe in original sin
We believe that, through Adam, sin has broken all humanity and creation, leaving the world in need of salvation.
We believe in salvation by grace alone
We believe that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
We believe in Satan
We believe Satan hates God's church and is determined to crush it. Satan was defeated at the cross even as we wait for his final judgment.
We believe in the Church
We believe the Church is Jesus' body on the earth. Her mission is to make Jesus known through preaching the gospel, caring for the poor, and serving our neighbors.
We believe in baptism and communion
We believe God has given us baptism and communion to strengthen Christians' lives and celebrate their inclusion into God's family.
We believe in complementarianism
We believe that men and women are equals, created by God to fulfill different roles as coworkers in his kingdom.
We believe in marriage
We believe the pattern for sex and marriage was established by God as he officiated Adam and Eve's male-female union in Eden.
We believe in the image of God
We believe that all humans are equal in dignity and value, bearing the image of God from the moment of conception, regardless of ethnicity or gender.
We believe in heaven and hell
We believe that followers of Jesus will spend eternity with Jesus in his kingdom. Everyone who rejects Jesus will be punished with eternal separation from the presence of God.
We believe in Jesus' return
We believe that Jesus will return to both restore creation and judge the living and the dead.