Prayer & Prophetic

Prayer is foundational to the life of Bridgeway Church.  Our hearts long to earnestly seek Him for wisdom and guidance in all things because we know that apart from the Father, we can’t do anything.  We have many ways to get involved with prayer throughout the week that we would love to invite you into.  

Sunday Morning Prayer

Join us on Sunday mornings in the Prayer Room from 8:30-9:30 a.m.  This time is dedicated to praying for our service that morning. Our Prayer leaders bring a scripture or theme for us to pray over the body. All are invited to join us as we ask our Father to move during our Sunday gatherings. 

Wednesday Prayer 

Join us on Wednesdays in the Prayer Room of the office building from 12-1 p.m. This hour of prayer is dedicated to engaging our hearts with the heart of Jesus in prayer.  It says several times in scripture how Jesus intercedes for us. Romans 8:34 says that Jesus “is at the right hand of God who indeed is interceding for us.” In 1 John 2:1 we read that Jesus is our “advocate with the Father,” and from Hebrews 7:25 we learn that Jesus “always lives to make intercession” for us. We take time to worship together with live music and open our ears to hear what Jesus is already praying over us and partner with him in prayer for our church, our city, and the nations. 

All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend this prayer meeting. We want our children and students to know they can approach the Father with confidence knowing that He hears our prayers and responds according to His perfect will.  

Prayer Ministry 

What an incredible gift we have in prayer! To think that God would be pleased to accomplish His purposes through the prayers of His people is mind-blowing and humbling, to say the least. In Christ, we are invited to run to the throne of grace to find help in time of need. Our prayer team has the privilege of doing this on behalf of others. By the Spirit, in the name of Jesus, they lift up the various needs of our people to the Father and trust that His power and love will work mightily in their lives.  If you are in need in of prayer, for any reason, please come forward at the end of our service and allow our prayer team to bring your needs to our loving Father. 

Prophetic Appointments 

Individual Prophetic Ministry Appointments are available on Sunday mornings. In-person signup is required. 

Prayer Training 

If you desire to grow in your personal prayer life and learn biblical principles about praying for others, please attend our next prayer training. This class is also the first step toward joining our Sunday morning prayer ministry team.

Prophetic Training 

During this class, we teach the foundational truths of New Testament prophecy, how to test prophetic words, practical wisdom for prophetic ministry, and guidelines for the public expression of prophecy at Bridgeway. 

Check out our Events page for upcoming training dates!